12 March 2008

Meezer rule

I don’t like crumbles in my crunchy bowl. Not one single bit! I refuse to eat them. Instead I scoot them onto the floor with my nose and leave them scattered making a big mess in the process.

My Meezer rule for today is this:

If there are crumbles in your bowl, putting the bitey on Mommy’s ankle is a sure-fired way to get her to fill it up with fresh crunchies!

For more Meezer rules see Simply Siamese.


The Misadventures Of Me said...

Molly and Shadows do not likes those either, I rarely eats crunchies myself. They dont puts the bitey on Mommy, they just runs to the bowls, and stare at hers till she gets the hint. Sometimes she don't gets it and it takes a few trys for them.

Anonymous said...

Lol...I agree I usually turn my bowl over :)

None said...

I don't eat crunchies either! I'm going to try that rule ... just one more reason to give the bitey!

Purrrs, Tamra

Daisy said...

My food is round, so it does not make crumbles. But Pixie's food makes lots and lots of crumbles, and she never eats them either! They just fall out of her mouth and make a huge mess.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

This is a good rule. I hate crumbles too.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh we will definately be using that rule around here! thank you!

Anonymous said...

My food is crumbly. We lick the crumbs here at our house, and then go and put the bitey on our lady.

I hope you are doing well. My Lady has been really busy with homework lately. She is taking a class that is turning out to be really tough for her and it's driving her crazy.

I'm not sure when I'll get back to regular blogging. Sometimes it seems like it will never happen. I really miss you my sweetie and I hope you don't hate me for being so distant.

Love, purrs and headbutts,