23 April 2008

Meezer rule

I have been MIA for a bit due to lack of assistance from Mommy. Makes me a tad bit angry because I miss all my friends.

My meezer rule for today is if Mommy won't help you, a bitey to the ankle let's her know you are displeased. Of course you should run like the wind when you are done!

18 April 2008

I didn't whap anything!!!!

I was all curled up with Mommy last night sound asleep. Then I was falsely accused by Mommy of going on an early morning whapping spree!!!

How dare she? Hmpf!! I was sound asleep with my precious, fuzzy chin nestled in her hand. I didn't do anything.... This time....

Wanna know the rest of the story?

Click here....

03 April 2008

It is all about Mommy today!

Daddy is home and took the day off today. He is spending the day with me!!! Usually it is all about me but today I am going to be generous and let Mommy have her day….

Today is special for Mommy. Go visit her and find out why!

02 April 2008

Meezer rule

You should trust your Mommy!

My Meezer rule today is this:

If your eye is squinty like Miles let Mommy play doctor on you for a bit and she will discover you have some of your own furs on your eye ball and will help you get them out.

This rule could stop a visit to the V-E-T!!! Bonus!

For more Meezer rules please visit Simply Siamese.

01 April 2008

Woo hoo!!!!

** Doing a happy dance **

My daddy’s home!
My daddy’s home!
My daddy’s home!
My daddy’s home!
My daddy’s home!

Now I am dizzy and must nap.