06 June 2007

Thought you should see what I am doing today...

I no MoMY has a MeoWGrain but i STiL waNNa go outside. I toluraIDed haviNg my pictur toOK Bcuz it gotthedoor 2 OpeN anD taht is vary vary GOOD Bcuz it maens chassing LiZARds! Go me!

SoRRy Momy is SicK but she sTil put fUD in my bowl and waTER with ICecUBEs n it 2. MoMy wiLL problY goto bed soOn and i waNNa cuRl up with HeR.


Kristina and Ingo said...

As your Mommy I must say I did not notice your reflection in the glass sliding door until I posted it.

Yes, it could be the "meowgraine"...

I'm just sayin'......

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Hi Scout, I've added you to the list of blogs I read.