01 June 2007

Somebody make a comment!!

In less tahn 1/2 an hour i will be 8. 8 is good... even beter it rimes with GREAT!!! Like me! Soomebody, somewhere, please leve me a comment 'cause i am goinng 2 be 8 and GREAT!!!!



grandefille said...

MiSs SCOUT! HapPy BirTHDay to You!

I saW thaT You live In HerMiTAGe when You wrotE to Mr. ABbiE. We aR alMost NeighbOrs! Yay! I LivE clozE to SMurnA anD am Part-SIAmeze! (That Iz mY pikxxx picKtuxxx pIKchxxx PhoTo up TheRe.) I am 7. I got Shots TOOday and am Still Mad at my MOM. RrRRRRr!

I HopE You HaVE a Very HaPPy BirTHDay.

Ete SoMe TUNA!

LoVE, yoUr frieNd, HaRrYCaT

(I havE to yUse my MOM'z ackouNt. SoRtry.)

Kristina and Ingo said...

Happy 8th birthday my sweet love muffin! I am proud to be your person and provider of tuna. I love you in spite of your (sometimes)annoying habits and ways. You bring a smile to my face the way you light up when the garage door opens and with your complete and utter terror of plastic bags and anything aluminum.

Scout said...

HaRrY CaT, thanks! It is good 2 be me! So sorry U had2 get shots. I do nto like going 2 vet. 2 mcuh poking and proding and ptuting things where things donot belong. i WOUld b mad 2! Hiss hiss hiss at the vet.

I like yur pic u r handsum - purr purrrr purrr.
