25 June 2007

RoUnd BroWn MoUnd of SoUnd

I be a TaD bit pudgEE. And i liKes 2 meow. I likES it aLot! SumtiMez i meow juSt 2 besure i sTiLl can. SumTimez itz becuz me liKes the souNd of my oWn meow. OthEr times itis BeCuz tHe fUd bole is EmPty. BaD wIn that happEns. EmPty bole = HunGree, SaD, maD, Scout. ThAt is waRe I gotz tHe naMe the evil Siamese.


Myst (Muddy's Brother) said...

But you look too handsome to be evil ... ever! ;>

Daisy said...

You are very right, empty food bowl is very BAD!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Mes too! I likes to meow just cuzzzzz. Mommy says she swears I just like to voice my opinions very loudly. hehe