27 July 2007

proverb meme

i was tagged by henry helton

It’s a proverb meme. Here is what a proverb is:

A proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of mankind. They are often metaphorical.

my proverb is as follows:

give a kitty a fish and she eats today. give a kitty a can opener and she eats tuna everyday.

i think that is good cuz it means tuna, tuna, tuna!! yay!

A lot of kitties have been tagged already, but I think that I will tag TT, Daisy and Muddy.


Daisy said...

Scout, that's a good one! I wish I could get a can opener. I already did this Meme (my proverb was "A lizard in the Scientific Observation Pen is worth two in the wild.") But Pixie is going to do one tomorrow!

Just Ducky said...

I like your proverb! Tuna for everyone.

Unknown said...

You are a great proverb writer. I am impressed.

Tyler said...

What a wonderful proverb! NOw if my mom would just go buy the tuna.

Love, Tyler

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Ohhh lots and lots of tunas would be yummy to my tummys. Thank yous for the tag, my proverb isn't as good as yours but I tries.

LZ said...

Oh that is very very wise!!!
