22 July 2007

the mitee huntress

heer i am in the big outdores looking for stuff to chase. you can tell that it is like the forest or willdurness becuz of the big plants and grass. never mynd the wood behind me, that is the trees in the big outdores.

i am looking for lizzards, froggies and other things that are good to chase and possyblee yummy to my tummy.

shhhh, be vary qkwyet... i need to have all my centses on full alyrt!!! i will update you later if i get anything gud.


Unknown said...

You are a very good huntress, I think! We love to hunt for little critters, too, and we wish you lots of luck!

-Rosie (and Nammie and Stewie)

Unknown said...

Oh, I wish I could go outside. It looks like so much fun. My Lady told me she is going to get me one of those screen thingies like Derby has. I can't wait. Hi Scout, you still look beautiful as always.

Scout said...

rosie, nammie and stewie: unfurrnshunatley, i did not cach anything. maybe next time.

henry helton: purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr.

Daisy said...

Wow! Scout, you are a very brave hunter. I hope you can catch some of the rude lizards. Because they need to be taught a lesson.

I am Not Allowed outside without my harness and leash. I wish I could run free in the big outdoors!

LZ said...

I love it Out of Doors! I love to go out and sniff around and chase flies. So much fun!


The Misadventures Of Me said...

I dont go outsides any more. Im happys to stay safe indoors since mommies founds me.

Tyler said...

Scout, did you catch anything? I never get to outside. Sometimes the bugs come in to visit, but we don't let them visit for long. Enjoy the green grass in my place please.