03 December 2007

Meezer Monday 5

For Meezer Monday today, I am going to share another story of one who came before me… This time it is Judina, a tabby who lived with us when Mommy was a little girl. Mommy had three gold fishies named Winken, Blinken and Nod (from the child’s poem). One day, Winken disappeared. It upset Mommy. A bit later Blinken disappeared and eventually Nod. Mommy was never sure what happened to them; however, when she got older, Grandmama told her….

Grandmama found all three of them (one at a time) sucked dry under the dining room table. Apparently Judina liked her fishies very fresh! Grandmama said they looked flat, like Judina sucked the “juice” out of ‘em. Mommy has not has fishies since. That is too bad because I think I would likes them too!


LZ said...

How nice to tell stories of the ones who came before. I can't believe she sucked the fishies flat!


Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Wow. Suckin' fishez flat???? I would like to see dat some time! I wants to tank you fur purrin' fur da Auntie Stinkie. Dis meanz a lot to me.

-Love, Dr Tweety

The Misadventures Of Me said...

We has fishies BUT some of thems are scary large. Mommy bean saids the Pacu are abouts 20 inches long and still growings! They certainly woulds be enough for snacks for all us kittys thoughs!

Unknown said...

Judina is my kind of kitty! You are more my kind though.

Purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr head butt purr purr purr purr