07 December 2007

fifteen on friday

Today I should like to tell you fifteen things I like about this time of year. Before I do, I want to effury kitty Merry Christmas!! I know it is early, but I wanted to makes sure I got that message out to you all!

1. The boxes under the tree make purrfect places to relax.
2. The bows are fun to shred and chew!
3. Those shiny balls on the tree are fun to WHAP, WHAP, WHAP! Even when Mommy says “Stop it, Scout”.
4. There is a stocking over the fireplace with MY NAME on it! That means I will get temtayshuns or something else good just for me!
5. Mommy does extra cooking this time of year and there is always something tasty for me to nibble. She says I am her sous chef and taste-tester. That makes me happy!
6. Mommy has nice smelly candles burning and I likes that!
7. Mommy puts electric candles in the windows and I get to sit by them.
8. There is a funny little dressed up man sitting by the fireplace and I can talk to him all I want. Mommy says he is a nutcracker.
9. Mommy has not made me wear my Christmas scarf.... Yet...
10. I don't just have visions of sugar plums, I have sweet dreams of Henry Helton.
11. I love to meow along with all the music Mommy has playing.
12. There is fire going on in the fireplace and it makes for a toasty place to nap.
13. I know there will be milk and cookies out one night soon. I hope Santa does not mind if I "test" the milk for him...
14. I know at least one of the boxes under the tree is for me... I sit on it the most.
15. There is a package from Germany. I know it has lots of tasty treats in it. Whether or not I will get any remains to be seen.

What do you like about Christmas time? Let me know! I might learns something new to try out at home.


HRH Yao-Lin said...

Those are excellent reasons to look forward to the festive season. My main reason for enjoying Christmas is having the human slave on tap for a few weeks. It makes my life easier when i am served cooked lamb for breakfast.


Daisy said...

I loves the holiday season! One of my favorite things is that on Christmas Eve, I get to listen to my Jingle Cats CD. I wish I could listen to it every day of the year.


We love all the sparklee things and also we are very curious about why Momma and Daddy go to all the trouble to put all this stuff up?

Abby and Boo

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Oh oh oh, Scout you's has to try to jump out from unders the tree and scares your mommy! hehehe It's funnys to see ours mommy jump when we's do this.

You's lucky to be a sous chef for your mommy that sounds like a very impawtant job!

MaoMao said...

Scout, have you gotta crushie on Henry? I think that's just fabyoolus! He's a superduper mancat and you're a superduper kittygirl!

I think we kitties oughta put out a bowl of Temptayshuns fur Santa Paws, don't you think? He might like them efun bettur than cookies!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Unknown said...

Purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr