25 September 2007

I am not ready for football no matter what Hank says...

Here are some reasons I do not like football:

It makes mommy yell

When mommy jumps out of her chair I fall off of her lap.

I don’t like beer and that is what mommy drinks during games.

Daddy asks too many questions. Mommy says this is because where he grew up football is soccer. I don’t even know what soccer is and I really don’t think I care because it would probably make daddy yell and that is scary too.

The phone rings a lot. Usually it is mommy’s parents wanting to know if she saw what they saw on tv. I don’t like phones. Too loud.

There is no tuna fish involved. Mommy had something she called nachos but they were crunchy with cheese and something green and strong smelling on them. I only eat green grass when the mood hits me and I need to throw up.

Mommy said there are teams with kitty mascots but I am not sure I believe her. Would that be the San Antonio Siamese? Maybe then I could watch.

Does anyone know when the craziness ends? There was football on at the house Saturday, Sunday AND Monday. That was three days of torture.

Mommy says it’s all good cuz her team won last night. I guess that makes it a bit better. Maybe I will get temtayshuns for putting up with her silliness.


Daisy said...

I am afraid that I must tell you that football time last many, many weeks! And it is very bad at my house because our team (Dolphins) have lost THREE times in a row.

I think you should get Temptations for every point scored!

LZ said...

I'd watch out...later in the fall, it is also on Thursdays!!! Our house is just crazy when the Eagles are doing anything at all. Luckily they won last Sunday or I think the Tall Man would have blown a gasket! Sounds pretty common to me though.


Unknown said...

Scout, I do not like football , but luckily My Lady doesn't like it either. I do think it would add to the sport if tunafish was involved. Maybe I'll send them a letter.

The Furry Kids said...

Football lasts forever. Well, that's what Momma says anyway. There's lots of yelling at our house, too. Our team is the Lions, but they're not very fierce. hee hee


Peach Man said...

I hear ya Scout. It's terrible over here too. I get so tired because every time there is a touchdown Ma yells at me "Scout, put your paws up" and then humiliating lifts them in the air. Ugh. She thinks I like football, but she's wrong.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Mommy bean doesn't watch footballs but the big male bean does. And omc, it was loud here Sunday's with the Pats on. I don'ts like football days either, its wayyyss too louds for us kittys.

Unknown said...

Hi beautiful one, I tagged you for the Christmas Meme. I know its a little early, but come on over and play.

Purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr,
purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr.