21 September 2007

five on friday

since i missed thursday thirteen this week i thought i would give you my five favorite friday activities

1. in the sunny spot
2. crunching on the science dietsleeping
3. knocking around the nip mouser
4. bunny kicking a stuffed animal or three
5. looking out the door (gotta keep an eye out for lizards)

i am glad it is friday because that means mommy and daddy will be home with me and there is a better chance of tuna and temtayshuns!! yummy!


LZ said...

Those are all very good things to do on Friday! I love weekends too with all of the humans around.


Daisy said...

Those are some fantastic Friday activities. I spend a lot of time looking out the windows for lizards, too. That's important.

Unknown said...

Tuna and temptations! Exciting stuff. I like to look out my window. Sometimes I am wishing for you to walk by. Hee hee.

Purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr
purr purr purr purr purr purr purr

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Mommys said I gets to have tunas marrow for beings so good at the v-e-t-s.

Peach Man said...

Scout! I'm Scout Too! (ok, so this is a lame picture of picture of Peach because I'm too lazy to take over his blog for real) How did you get your name? I'm named after Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird. Does everyone think you are a boy too?