02 November 2007

five on friday

Here are five things I plan on doing today…

1. Find the sunny spot and sleep in it (while dreaming of Henry Helton).
2. Find the pink mouser I whapped under the fridge.
3. Sneak around looking for temtayshuns.
4. Beach myself on Mommy when she gets home.
5. Stare out the window looking for LIZARDS!!

What fun plans do you have for Friday?


Daisy said...

I am going to stare out the window looking for lizards today, too!!!!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Lizardz!!! Scout, you must live in a tropy-Cal pair o' dice like Daisy. All I can see out da window iz mice & snakez & vishus vegan deerz.

-Dr Tweety

MaoMao said...

I think somecat's gotta crush on Henry! hehe That's so neat -- I hope you two bekome a couple, you would be purreshus togethur.

And I like whappin stuff, too! WHAP WHAP WHAP! MAO MAO MAO!

Kittyhugs and purrs from Mao(WHAP)Mao!

Unknown said...

*blushing* Oh Scout! I love that you dream of me when you are sleeping. You are the one that I dream about.

Purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Scout!!! I yam so happy to see dat you & my frend Henry Helton are gettin togedder. Dis iz furry sweet. I tink dere must be romace in da air. Mebbe da road trip haz somepin' to do wit it.

-Dr Tweety

The Misadventures Of Me said...

I likes to nap. I don't plays much but I dids run like crazys betweens the kitchen and mommy beans bed.

Anonymous said...

Can't remember what I did on Friday.Mom says I slept she says that's what I always do.Well maybe if I wasn't so bored..Sheesh :)

Leslie said...

I had a dream on Friday about Trixie, and it was BLEEPING scary!!