21 May 2008

Meezer rule

Meezers are finicky creatures and I am no exception. There is always opportunity to show you that I am the boss of the house. It is also good to have Mommy and Daddy trained properly.

My Meezer rule for today is this…

You will open any door that I want so I can know what is happening on the other side. I don’t care if this means you must get up numerous times.


Mickey's Musings said...

That is a most excellent rule!! I do not like closed door either.
Nice to meet you :)
Purrs Mickey

Daisy said...

Sometimes if you do "Machine Paw" on the door, your mom will get annoyed and open the door and say "See, there's nothing there!"

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

I sure goez along wit dis rule!!! I tink forty timez iz abouts right. In/OUT, In/OUT......

Nomi said...

I haf a bit of a fing about the airing cupboard. Miewmie MUST open it efery nite for me to peer into and inspect the heating thing that makes the cloths nice and warm.

Karen Jo said...

That is an excellent Meezer rule. Closed door are anathema.

Anonymous said...

Lol...I so agree :)